Saturday, April 2, 2011

Turning Over a New Leaf?

Well, I'm trying. I am such a horder. Not like on the show (but sometimes I worry about my tendencies), but I do tend to hang onto so many things... needlessly. When it comes to my scrap stash, I'm trying to make a change. I have paper that I purchaes in 2003 still sitting in my stash. And in some cases, I'm not talking just 1 piece! Eeek! What a waste. I loved it so much when I bought it, and just couldn't bare to use it up! Or, in other cases, a bit of it would be just perfect for a layout/card, but I wouldn't cut it up for just a small piece. Instead, I held onto it and now it's 2011 and it's STILL SITTING IN MY STASH! Not anymore..... hopefully! I'm trying. Below are a few projects that I've created where I applied this philosophy. Hope you like them!

1 comment:

  1. WTG Teri!!! We should all take on this philosophy!!!
